To investigate the effect of performing three different bridge exercise conditions on the activities of four different muscles using surface electromyography (sEMG) in healthy young adults.
Cross-sectional study.
A total of 20 healthy young adults (10 males, 10 females) voluntarily participated in this study. All subjects randomly performed three different bridge conditions as follows: general bridge exercise, isometric hip abduction (IHAB) with a blue Thera-band (Hygenic Corp., USA), and isometric hip adduction (IHAD) with a Swiss ball (Hygenic Corp.). The muscle activities of bilateral erector spinae (ES), gluteus maximus (GM), biceps femoris (BF), and external oblique (EO) muscles during the bridge exercises were measured using sEMG. Subjects performed each of the three bridge conditions three times in random order and mean values were obtained.
For bilateral ES and BF, there was a significant increase in muscle activity in the IHAD condition compared to the general bridge and IHAB condition (
ES and BF muscle activity increases were observed with hip adduction and increased GM activity was observed with hip abduction. These findings may be applicable within the clinical field for selective trunk and lower extremity muscle activation and advanced rehabilitation purposes.
Lumbar stabilization exercises are aimed at control of forces that may cause postural instability and at maintenance of normal spinal posture for maximum conscious or unconscious adaptation in response to external loads [1]. As a closed kinetic chain exercise, bridge exercises are used for the stabilization of the lumbar and the trunk in addition to improving the muscular strength of the pelvic and lower limb muscles, and improving trunk flexor and extensor muscle control [2]. In addition, bridge exercises are used in physical therapy rehabilitation to promote trunk stabilization, relieve pressure on the buttocks, promote bed mobility, improve sit-to-stand performance, and assist in pelvic movement, which is all considered as important for walking and general functional movement [3].
Recent studies have applied hip movements to bridge exercises to investigate its effects on muscle activity. Kang
A study by Choi
This was a cross-sectional study with 20 healthy subjects (10 males, 10 females) who were recruited from Sahmyook University with an average age of 22.85±2.85 years, height of 169.1±9.1 cm, and weight of 59.95±14.95 kg. Subjects were informed of the study procedures and provided an informed consent prior to participating in this study. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) range of motion limitations of bilateral hip, knee, and ankle joints; (2) history of low back pain or lower extremity dysfunction, such as iliotibial band friction syndrome, patellofemoral pain syndrome, anterior cruciate ligament sprains, or chronic ankle instability within the previous 12 months [8–12]; (3) iliopsoas, rectus femoris, or tensor fasciae latae tightness as observed by the Thomas test, Ely’s test, or modified Ober’s test, respectively [13,14]; and (4) lumbopelvic instability shown by performing the active straight leg raise test with a pressure biofeedback unit [15,16].
Electromyographic data were collected using a wireless TeleMyo DTS (Noraxon Inc., Scottsdale, AZ, USA) and Myo-Research Master Edition 1.06 XP software (Noraxon Inc.) was used for analyzing EMG data. The EMG signals were sampled at a frequency of 1,000 Hz, a band pass filter of between 20 and 450 Hz, and a preset notch filter to reject 60 Hz. The raw data were processed into the root mean square with a window of 50 ms. Shaving of the electrode sites were performed with rubbing alcohol used subsequently to reduce impedance o the skin. Two surface electrodes were placed within a distance of 2 cm and were placed on the upper fibers of GM, ES, EO, and BF muscles bilaterally. Electrodes were positioned in the center of the muscle belly and parallel to the muscle fibers [4,17,18]. The electrode for the upper GM was placed half the distance between the trochanter and sacral vertebrae in the middle of the muscle at an oblique angle at the level of the trochanter [17]. For the ES, the electrodes were attached parallel to the spine at the level of the iliac crest, approximately 2 cm apart from the spine over the muscle mass. For the EO, electrodes were attached slightly above the umbilicus, midway between the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the rib cage [19]. For the BF, especially long head, electrodes were placed at midpoint between the fibular head and ischial tuberosity. Mean and maximum values of the EMG data were obtained. The maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) was recorded and obtained using manual muscle test (MMT) positions that were consistent with those described by Kendall
Subjects performed the five different bridge conditions through random selection. On the mat surface, a starting position of 30 degrees of hip abduction [4] was marked with tape by the experimenter. To ensure the performance of 30 degrees of hip abduction, a goniometer was used by placing the stationary arm on the researcher’s bilateral ASIS and the moving arm at the center of the patella to create 30 degrees of hip abduction. By using a goniometer, to set up 30 degrees in total for the hip abduction 30 degrees posture, the stationary arm was placed on both sides of the ASIS and then observers placed the moving arm to create a reference point, which was the center of patella to make 15 degrees. Subjects were asked to maintain 90 degrees of knee flexion white maintaining 30 degrees of hip abduction. During the general bridge position, hip extension was maintained at zero degrees. Subjects were asked to maintain each bridge condition for 5 seconds at the sound of the metronome and verbal instruction. To reduce muscle fatigue, subjects were given a 30-second rest period between the three trials for each condition and a 2-minute rest period between the five conditions.
The subjects were positioned in supine with their feet set apart as wide as their hip joints parallel to the midline, and knee joints flexed at 90 degrees. Subjects were asked to rest their arms rest on their chest to minimize unnecessary use of arms during the bridge conditions. Two vertical metal poles (canes) were placed on the lateral sides of each knee in order to prevent hip abduction beyond 30 degrees. The canes were located at the level between the lateral femoral condyle and greater trochanter when subjects performed 30 degrees of hip abduction with 0 degrees of hip extension. Trunk and pelvis were also aligned at this point. With the lateral knees contacting the canes, subjects were asked to lift up the buttocks. When bilateral thighs reached each metal bar, subjects were asked to pause and maintain the bridge position for 5 seconds (Figure 1).
Under the same conditions as the general bridge condition, an addition of a blue Theraband was wrapped around the subject’s bilateral distal femur to provide constant resistance. In the hook-lying position, tension of the Theraband was set to enable the subject to accomplish and maintain 30 degrees of hip abduction. Subjects maintained the bridge exercise with isometric hip abduction for 5 seconds after both metal bars were reached by the thighs (Figure 2).
Under the same starting condition as the general bridge condition, a Swiss ball (Hygenic Corp.) was placed between the subject’s knees while maintaining 30 degrees of hip adduction. Subjects were asked to perform 30 degrees of hip adduction with the Swiss ball. To ensure 30 degrees of hip adduction was accomplished, the measurement was marked with tape on the mat. However, if 30 degrees of hip adduction could not be accomplished, the position of the ball was adjusted.
Upon lifting the buttocks and without dropping the ball, subjects were ask maintain the position for 5 seconds (Figure 3).
All statistical analysis were performed using PASW Statistics ver. 18.0 (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). A one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to access the statistical significance of the ES, GM, BF, and EO muscle activity during each of the five bridge conditions. Test-retest reliability of EMG measurements in the three bridge exercise conditions was assessed by the intra-class correlation, 95% confidence interval, the standard error of measurement, and minimal detectable change. Statistical significance was set at 0.05.
For bilateral ES, there was a significant increase in muscle activity in the IHAD condition compared to the general bridge condition and a significant increase in muscle activity in IHAD compared to the IHAB condition (
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of performing three different bridge exercise conditions, which included the general bridge, IHAB bridge, IHAD bridge onditions on the muscle activities of four different muscles using sEMG. Increased ES muscle activity was observed with the application of isometric hip adduction. This finding was similar with a previous study by Lee
Limitations were that this study involved twenty healthy young subjects. Therefore, due to the relative small sample size and involvement of healthy subjects, it would make it difficult to apply the results to the healthy, elderly population as well as the patient population. Therefore, further research is needed to confirm the effects of isometric hip abduction and adduction on lumbar, abdominal, gluteal, and lower extremity muscle activation, especially for patients with complaints of low back and core muscle abnormalities.
This study examined the effects of performing a general bridge, bridge with IHAB, and bridge with IHAD conditions on bilateral ES, GM, BF, and EO muscle activities through the use of sEMG. Bilateral ES and BF, and left EO muscle activity increases were observed with the IHAD condition and increased bilateral GM activity was observed with the IHAB condition. These findings may be applicable within the clinical field for selective trunk and lower extremity muscle activation and advanced rehabilitation purposes.
Comparison of mean and SD of muscle activity according to 3 conditions (N=20)
Condition | ES | GM | BF | EO | ||||
Rt. | Lt. | Rt. | Lt. | Rt. | Lt. | Rt. | Lt. | |
GBR (%MVIC) | 50.27 (32.89) | 47.67 (27.50) | 21.22 (8.50r) | 24.05 (13.12) | 31.91 (9.38) | 38.42 (16.61) | 16.76 (15.77) | 14.51 (13.17) |
IHAB (%MVIC) | 53.01 (32.87) | 48.91 (26.48) | 32.11 (11.20)a | 40.00 (25.84)a | 32.55 (15.08) | 35.85 (19.52) | 16.10 (14.84) | 16.75 (16.58) |
IHAD (%MVIC) | 57.61 (30.95)a,b | 55.17 (25.74)a,b | 21.47 (11.35)b | 22.82 (17.21)b | 40.76 (11.97)a,b | 45.77 (16.66)a,b | 16.83 (15.89) | 16.85 (15.14)a |
Values are presented as mean (SD).
Rt.: right, ES: erector spinae, Lt.: left, GM: gluteus maximus, BF: biceps femoris, EO: external oblique, GBR: general bridge, IHAB: isometric hip abduction, IHAD: isometric hip adduction.
bSignificant difference with IHAB.